
Dead island hot rod mod
Dead island hot rod mod

dead island hot rod mod

  • These custom abilities can be entered in the MissingNo JSONS as "Fakemon IE "FakemonLoveSong".
  • Added several new custom abilities you can use for your new creations as well, found below.
  • An AssetManager update is available to have these new MissingNo forms use custom models, so they can truly look like entirely new species.
  • dead island hot rod mod

  • We've also released a plugin in our Server Owners Discord to override the MissingNo names to be whatever you like.
  • Players will not be required to download anything extra!
  • Servers can edit these "MissingNo" forms to have unique typings, movesets, base stats, and more.
  • Please note, currently Fakemon data can only be modified by editing the MissingNo Jsons directly in the Jar, external json support will be looked into soon.
  • These will not have the same catch restrictions

    dead island hot rod mod

  • Customizable MissingNo Forms begin at form 5.
  • Custom Fakemon with unqieu stats can be registered using MissingNo from MissingNo_ onwards.
  • Added Special Psyduck, Golduck (Cartoon).
  • Added Special Rookidee, Corvisquire, Corviknight (Eagle).
  • Added Special Aerodactyl + Mega (Retro).
  • Added Special Zacian(both) (MinecraftFox).
  • Added Special Beldum, Metang, Metagross + Mega (Gohma).
  • Added Special Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo (Robodisco).
  • Added Special Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Keldeo(both) (Space).
  • Added Special Trubbish, Garbodor (Patch).
  • Added Special Sandile, Krokorok, Krookodile, Fearow, Spearow (Summer).
  • Added Special Eternatus, Eternamax (Dragonbone).
  • Added Special Volcarona, Larvesta (Tropical).
  • Added Special Trapinch, Vibrava, Flygon (Cosmic).
  • Added Special Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot (Zelda).
  • Added Special Dreepy, Drakloak, Dragapult (Nerf).
  • Added Special Carvanha, Sharpedo + Mega, Gible, Gabite, Garchomp + Mega (Scrapforge).
  • Added missing from block recipes (ie Ice Stone Block -> Ice Stone).
  • Added IV Percent to PokeSpec (/pokegive name Pikachu ivperc:0.81).
  • Added a config option to enable/disable horde battles with hordesEnabled.
  • Added New Items: Purple Juice, Red Juice, Yellow Juice, Blue Juice, Green Juice, Pink Juice.
  • Added New Ultra Dark Blocks: Plank, Stairs, Slab, Double Slab.
  • Added New Ultra Jungle Blocks: Plank, Stairs, Slab, Double Slab.
  • Added New Music Disc + Song (Twinleaf Town)Īdded New Decoration Blocks: Bookshelf, House Lamp, Desk, Work Desk, Couch.
  • dead island hot rod mod

  • Added Litwick Candle & Litwick Candles Blocks.
  • Added New AssetManager Features! More information found below.
  • Added Fakemon Support for up to 50 Fakemons! More information found below.

  • Dead island hot rod mod